Wednesday 9 March 2011

2nd page article.

Food prices hit new record!

Food prices in the UK are growing faster than in many developed countries and more than can be justified by their growth, says a report published on Monday, which is based on news agency called Reuters. The British government is threatening sanctions against sellers of food. 

Swiss bank UBS analysts said that the UK government could mobilize the media to stop food manufacturers and supermarkets. 

"Food prices are rising faster in Britain than in many other Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries belonging to the growth and well above the price of food retailers for inflation costs for" - claim specialists. 

UBS experts announced that food prices in Britain within a year increased 4.9 percent.For comparison: In Germany, growth rates of 3.6 percent. In the euro area - an average of 1.8 percent. And the United States - 1.5 percent. 

"If this were a one-time thing, it would be politically possible to see through your fingers. However, over the past two years, processed food prices rose twice as fast as it could be explained by the costs incurred by this situation because this situation will  hardly be ignored, "- emphasizes the experts

---> The information used for this article is from a Lithuanian newspaper in England. I used some figures to make the article look more interesting and smart. All this data makes it look better and also more interesting when you read it.

This will suit my target audience because it's for people who worry about the economy and also people from Basildon and area because increasing food prices are relevant to everyone. We all buy food so therefore it touches everyone in wide age range. 

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